Meet the Brass!

Join us for a community day at the Canberra Montessori School, featuring Canberra Symphony Orchestra musicians.
Meet the Brass will delight families with a fun, interactive program designed for all ages to enjoy.
An exciting and accessible event, this Explore the Orchestra program, with host Kristen Sutcliffe, is perfect for our littlest audiences.
Don’t miss the chance for your kids to play instruments of the orchestra at the petting zoo from 1:30pm until 2pm. The concert begins at 2pm.
Tikka Stand Food Truck will be onsite, offering fresh, authentic and tasty food and drink options. Alternatively, you are welcome to bring along a picnic.
Ticket sales go towards CSO Community and Education programming.
Canberra Montessori School acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and caretakers of the land on which we learn and play each day. We respect the Elders of the past and present and share our friendship and kindness.
90 minutes
* Transaction fee will be applied