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2023 04 26 Electric Blue 6 Credit Thomas Lucraft cropped
Terms and

For all ticketing enquiries, please call CSO Direct on 02 6262 6772 (weekdays 10am to 3pm) or email


Tickets and subscriptions may be purchased online, over the phone, or in person at the venue Box Office or the CSO office (please call ahead to ensure the CSO office will be staffed for your visit). Returning subscribers may also renew subscriptions via post. Online bookings close 10 minutes prior to concert start times.

Available tickets may be purchased from the venue Box Office. Box Office opening times are advertised on the CSO website in advance of each concert and in pre-concert emails.

Subscriber pricing is not available at the Box Office. To add tickets to an existing subscription at the discounted subscriber price, please call CSO Direct in advance and book over the phone.


CSO programs and publications, including rest magazine, are correct at the time of printing.

The CSO reserves the right to vary, substitute or withdraw advertised programs, artists, venues and / or seating arrangements and to vary prices. The CSO is not liable for any claims, damages, compensation, losses or expenses as a result of a CSO performance being cancelled, postponed or changed.


There are two delivery methods for CSO tickets:

  • E-tickets are emailed and may be displayed on a mobile device or printed out.
  • Tickets may also be collected from the Box Office on the day of the concert, or from the CSO office (weekdays 10am to 3pm; please call ahead to ensure the CSO office will be staffed for your visit). Box Office opening times are advertised on the CSO website in advance of each concert and in pre-concert emails.

Concession prices are available to current holders of means-tested Australian Pensions (Aged, Disability, Veterans’ Affairs, Supporting Parent) and to full-time students. Concessions are not available for Seniors and Commonwealth Seniors Health Cards.

Proof of concession may be required before admission to each concert.

Health and Wellness

CSO concerts are delivered in line with ACT Government health and wellness requirements.

We request you do not attend CSO concerts if you are unwell, including cold, flu and COVID-19 symptoms.

  • Audience members are not required to wear masks at CSO concerts but are welcome to do so. Masks are available from the Box Office on request.
  • Seating will not be physically distanced.
  • Practise good hand hygiene, including washing hands frequently with soap and water and covering coughs / sneezes with a tissue or your elbow.

Subscribers are entitled to two complimentary ticket swaps per year for seats of equivalent value, subject to availability.

All other ticket swaps will incur a transaction fee. Tickets swaps must be arranged at least three business days in advance of the concert, with original tickets returned to the CSO.


The CSO offers Llewellyn Hall family pricing where one or two adult or concession patrons are accompanying at least one patron under the age of 18 (minimum age is eight): patrons under the age of 18 receive $17 tickets for all seating reserves, with discounted prices for accompanying adult and / or concession patrons.

Llewellyn Hall family bookings must be made over the phone with CSO Direct. Children must be at least eight years old to attend concerts in Llewellyn Hall.


Adult groups

The subscriber price is available to groups of five or more adults for Llewellyn Series and Australian Series concerts. The adult subscriber price is available online; group bookings which include concession holders must be made over the phone.

School groups

Groups of 10 or more full-time school students can access $10 tickets (plus transaction fee) for concerts in Llewellyn Hall. Groups must be accompanied by a teacher; free tickets are available for up to two accompanying teachers.

Full-time student ID may be required before admission to each concert. Children must be at least eight years old to attend concerts in Llewellyn Hall.

All school group bookings must be made over the phone.


Patrons whose tickets have been lost or stolen should notify CSO Direct as soon as possible. Duplicate tickets will be issued upon presentation of valid identification.


For bookings made online or over the phone, the CSO accepts Mastercard or VISA. For payments made in person at the Box Office or CSO office, Mastercard, VISA and EFTPOS are accepted – no cash payments.

For subscriptions, cheques are accepted via post or in person at the CSO office. Tickets are posted after funds clear.

A split payment option is available for returning subscribers: pay half at the time of booking and the balance on 1 February 2024 (credit card only, second payment automatically deducted). Tickets are posted following the second payment.


The CSO privacy policy is available here.


Tickets are non-refundable, except as specified in the Live Performance Australia Ticketing Code of Practice, available at


Current seats for returning Llewellyn Series subscribers were held until COB 20 October 2023 (a Llewellyn Series subscription comprises all four Llewellyn Series concerts). While Llewellyn Series subscriptions may be renewed after 20 October, seats will be released for sale to the general public and cannot be guaranteed after that date. To discuss a change in seating, call CSO Direct. Seat holds do not apply for Special Events.

Seating for the Australian Series and Chamber Classics is general admission (no allocated seating).


Student rush tickets are available for all CSO concerts (subject to availability). Student rush tickets are available from the venue Box Office, from one hour prior to concerts in Llewellyn Hall and 30 minutes prior to all other concerts.

Full-time student ID may be required before admission.


Book two or more concerts across the season to enjoy CSO subscriber benefits. Subscribers enjoy discounted pricing year-round and two complimentary ticket swaps for seats of equivalent value.


A $3.95 fee applies to all ticket bookings (per transaction, not per ticket).


Under 35s prices are available to patrons aged 35 years or younger on 1 January 2025. Proof of age may be required before admission to each concert.


All patrons require a valid ticket purchased from CSO Direct. Entry may be refused if tickets are damaged in any way or not purchased from CSO Direct.