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2023 04 26 Electric Blue 6 Credit Thomas Lucraft cropped
01 07524 CSO Event Tile H Stories

Welcome to the Canberra Symphony Orchestra’s 75th anniversary season: Stories.

2023 04 26 Electric Blue 6 Credit Thomas Lucraft resized
The Llewellyn Series

The sheer power of the full orchestra on the Llewellyn Hall mainstage, with internationally acclaimed conductors and guest artists.

Australian Series Z62 3766 Credit Martin Ollman rs2
The Australian Series

Thought-provoking chamber music experiences, presented in one of Australia’s iconic cultural spaces and dedicated to Australian classical and art music.

CC Credit Martin Ollman rs
Chamber classics

Cosy, hour-long chamber music matinees, showcasing CSO musicians in Canberra’s historic Albert Hall.

St John Passion resized
Special events

Blockbuster programs on Friday and Saturday nights for the whole community to enjoy.
