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2023 04 26 Electric Blue 6 Credit Thomas Lucraft cropped
on Mahler
05 SEP 2024

Mahler’s sublime Fourth Symphony came together in a matter of days after several years of creative silence from the Austrian composer. From its opening sleighbells to the closing movement for soprano and orchestra, the work has been described as Mahler’s most sophisticated and beguiling score.

Our CSO musicians explain why they are so looking forward to performing this timeless piece as a highlight of this year’s Llewellyn Series on September 18 and 19.

Kirsten Williams Op020 credit Martin Ollman
“It’s a profound experience to perform Mahler. We become immersed in the sheer depth and scope of the orchestral colours and timbres as harmonies weave and morph from delicate phrasing to huge bodies of sound.
- Kirsten Williams, CSO Concertmaster
Kristen Sutcliffe Op002 credit Martin Ollman
“Mahler is my favourite composer. He had the ability to musically capture every human emotion. To sit in the middle of the orchestra as this comes to fruition is exhilarating and can literally raise the hairs on the back of my neck!”
- Kristen Sutcliffe, CSO Bassoonist
Rowan Phemister Cr Martin Ollman
“What I love most about performing Mahler’s music is how, amidst all the complexity, he creates space for the sensitive and beautiful harp writing. Even in the midst of a giant orchestra, he manages to make the most delicate moments shine through.”
- Rowan Phemister, CSO Harpist
Veronica Bailey Cr Martin Ollman
“I love playing Mahler because of the emotional intensity of the music. There are such intimate musical moments. Quiet intensity, anguish, longing.”
- Veronica Bailey, CSO Principal Percussionist
Wyana O Keefe Cr Martin Ollman
“Mahler pushed the boundaries of possibility in his symphonic writing, forcing percussionists to become creative with new techniques and instruments to realise his vision. Having the opportunity to listen to a Mahler symphony in Canberra is a rare treat and I am very much looking forward to bringing it to life.”
- Wyana O’Keeffe, CSO Percussionist